SIRA is a program of recovery for those suffering the effects of sexual assault.
We believe we were affected by the assault whether it occurred once or many times
It does not matter whether the assault was initiated by a family member, an extended family member an aunt, uncle, in-law, step-parent, cousin, friend of the family, teacher, coach, clergy, boyfriend, husband or stranger. We learn in SIRA not to deny what happened and that the assault was not our fault. No one deserves to be attacked. We in SIRA share our feelings, experience, strength and hope.
In dealing with our pain, it may feel as if we are opening the wound all over again only to discover that it had never healed properly, and it hurts. However, it is easier to share when we have friends who stand with us, understand the healing process and do not hurry us along. We CAN be comforted. We will never forget, but we can, in time, heal the shame, grief and self-destructive behaviors that often plague the survivor. In time, if we work the program, we will enjoy its promises.
SIRA materials are based on the groundbreaking work of Survivors of Incest Anonymous (SIA) and their adaptation of the 12 Steps of AA for survivors of sexual abuse. If you are in the USA and are a survivor of incest, please visit: www.siawso.org for healing and support.