We welcome all who wish to share their experience, strength, and hope with others around the world.
Survivors are welcome to submit their stories anonymously to SIRA.
Sexual Assault Survivors Anonymous (SASA) was started before SIRA. SASA and SIRA are sister groups. Currently SIRA is focusing on forming and studying new groups in the United States. All stories and quotes are used with the permission from SASA members from five informal settlements in Nairobi Kenya: Haruma, Kariobangi, Kibera, Korogocho.
“My first look at Step One I said ‘let me read this again.” I read it over and over because I felt good when I was reading it and I didn’t want the good feeling to stop. I felt hope. I knew I wasn’t alone. I came alive again. I finally had this book that could sort of coach me through. Here it was, there was something out there for me to heal. it brought joy. This book is a guide.”
It was in back 2005 when going to my Aunts place to collect some money. Around 4: pm as I was walking in a secluded place, I had to walk for 2 km I meet my father’s friend and I thought was in safe hands and so I had no fear of walking beside him. As we continued walking the old man held my hand, pulled me to the bush, overpowered me and as tried to scream he inserted some leaves in mouth and I could not scream, he raped me and later some passersby took me home.
-”My participation in the SASA program has impacted my life. I am sharing my problem that I have under gone with my new friends. I have developed a good relationship than before because I have been taught how to handle my anger in these meetings.”
Way back in the year 2000 I was raped by 5 men, they broke into my house and when I screamed but no one came to my rescue the 5 men managed to rape me and I was left devastated. Thanks to SASA I can now open up.
-“I am a reformed prostitute. I have learned a lot on sexual abuse and I have been able to share with my SASA friends.“
I was raped by ten men, and I have lived with that pain.
-“Thanks to SASA because I can now socialize with people.”
One of my neighbors’ tried to rape me but I screamed and he was unable to penetrate, he run away. I later told my mum.
-“Because of SASA I am now able to advise anyone who has gone through abuse.”
SASA has really helped me a lot, but I cannot disclose anything for now.
-“Because of SASA I was able to help my friend who was raped and to share with my sister who later disclosed to me that she was also raped. I advised her to join SASA.”
It was one chilly morning when I was on my way going to school, I saw two men coming but I did not know what were they coming to do. Just as they reached near me one of the men came carried me by force. As I started to scream he covered my mouth with a piece of cloth. They drugged me and later when I gained consciousness I discovered that I was bleeding so much. I did not disclose this to anyone and I have lived with the pain thanks to SASA because I am now strong and determined to go on with life.
-“Before SASA I did not know what to do, but now I know. One of my neighbors’ was raped and her mum was always beating her up. I was able to talk to mum and asked her to let her daughter attend SASA meetings and she agreed.”
My mum sent me to the market one evening and as I was walking someone came from behind and closed my eyes, he took me to the bush raped me and inserted a bottle, I bled so much luckily my mum came to my rescue as she wondering where I had gone to, she cried so much and later together with some neighbors’ they were able to take me to the hospital. I stayed in the hospital for three months. I am grateful to SASA for my recovery.
-“Yes I am now strong and in case I come across a person who has been raped then I know what to do.”
One day as I was coming back home from my aunt’s place at around 9pm. Three boys attacked me with knives. They raped me in turns; I was later taken to the hospital by some good Samaritans. That’s why taking SASA classes seriously and I hope the rest of the participants are serious too.
-“Because of SASA I now know so many things and I can talk to my friends and siblings.”
One day my parents left me all alone and went up country, a neighbor came and knocked on the door, after opening the door for him he come in and sat on the bed after closing the door behind him. He started caressing me and as I resisted he tore my clothes and raped me, he later run away. I want to thank SASA for the help they have given me.
-“I am able to talk and advise other SASA Survivors and am well advised on how to communicate with friends and family members.”
We need to continue holding this meetings, I contracted HIV/AIDS A rape incidence, I was raped by 4 men and I got pregnant and later gave birth to a boy, I hated the baby so much and didn’t even take him to school the boy is also HIV+. After opening my heart to the other SASA members I now love my son so much, LONG LIVE SASA.
-“I always have the desire to meet and talk with the rest of the SASA members. Also, I am now free to discuss with my family.”
The world should know that due to rapes so many cases of rape many children are suffering, we need more funds to alleviate the suffering.
-“I let my immediate family members know that I am attending SASA meetings. I also urge my fellow SASA members to be time conscious and attend meetings on the dot!”
-“Through SASA I have been able to overcome the pain. I am free to discuss with friends and other SASA members.”
It was in the year 2005, around April as I was coming from job and as I reached my house I was really tired I heard a knock on my door and opened without inquiring, I thought it was my brother only to realize that it was a stranger before I could do anything he struck me hard and removed my clothes the rest remains to be history. I have never shared this with anyone but I have found the strength through SASA.
-“I had an attitude problem but since I started attending the sessions I can now control myself. I now have new friends and am able to socialize well with different people.”
My husband uses me as a sex object. Since the time I started attending SASA meetings I now know peace I was able to face my husband and I shared with him he listened and has now changed thanks to SASA.
-“I am able to talk freely without feeling guilt. SASA gave me time to think about the future positively.”
I was raped as my child watched and I have ever been so ashamed of myself. After raping me they also kissed my child and left while laughing I felt a lot of pain and I want to thank SASA for giving me hope, I can now relate well with my daughter. Long live SASA.
-“The SASA Program opens my heart and gives me peace”
One day as I was going to school a man called me and took me to a shop and bought me so many goodies, I was so young about ten years old. He used to treat me every day, one day while I was going to school he took me to his house and told me that my parents were bad people because they did not buy me sweets. He kept me in his house for so many days, one day he came back at night really drunk, he took me to his bed and raped me, I tried to scream but he covered my mouth but no one heard me. The next day when he left I run away because the pain was too much. Before I reached home I met some policemen who took me to my parents. My parents later took me to the hospital and the man was arrested and later taken to court.
-”Because of SASA, I have been able to teach other survivors’ on how to live positively after a rape ordeal. After getting help myself.”
Once their lived a man near a river, everybody in the community disliked the man. One evening as we were going home from school with my friends we passed near the door of the bad man, little did we know that he was peeping through his door. As I passed the man came outside with two other men and surrounded us, we were so scared the men dared us to run and they told us if tried anything they would kill us. The men had machetes and one had a gun. They did not take us to that house instead asked us to follow them to a secluded place; we were just saying silent prayers as we waited for the worst to happen. They did not have any mercy on us they asked us to remove our clothes one of the two friends whispered to me and asked me not to play any trick because this men had killed six men in the past..The man really applied a lot of force to rape; I was feeling a lot of pain. The other man was trying to take his pants off; one of my friends stood up and picked a stick he hit the man on the neck that man fainted the third friend was cut on the head with a machete (panga). The one who hit one of the rapists started to scream and luckily someone who was nearby came with some of his friends. The bad men ran away, we were taken to the hospital. We were able to report the matter to the police and the men were arrested later. My neighbor told me about her daughter’s involment with SASA meetings the SASA members comforted me and gave me a shoulder to lean on. I now live without the pain but one of my friend has scars and bruises along the neck, hands and on the back.
-”I would like to thank SASA program for what they have done to us and may God grant us the ability to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference Amen. “
I was walking down a muddy path when suddenly a strange looking man wearing dark clothes appeared in front of me from nowhere, he suddenly covered my mouth and drugged me using a piece of cloth. He took off my clothes and then defiled me, I tried to stop him but then I was too weak. After that horrible sin he left me lying down on the floor I was helpless and I had shed a lot of blood that I thought I was going to die. I scrawled down the muddy path and reached police station, I was able to record a statement. After that they advice me to go to the hospital.
-”I still have the pain and trauma of that incidence but I thank SASA so much for helping me overcome the pain from my mind.”
-”I would like the world to know that every woman should be open and should talk wherever she comes across sexual harassment.”
-”SASA meetings have given me courage and I am also able to console other women who have been abused.”
“Due to so many marital rape and abuse, children are suffering a lot. After attending these meetings I am back to my family; we had separated after my husband assaulted me. Iam now happy and able to relate well with my husband.”
“I used to be so lonely but now I have new friends because of SASA meetings.”
It was during Christmas holidays I had gone up country, I was sent to collect firewood in the forest for cooking. As I was walking along the bush in the middle of the forest some fierce looking men appeared and started scaring me. I got so scared, I tried to run but they were too fast for me. They pushed me on the ground and started raping me. I screamed but no one heard me they finished raping me and they left, I started running like a mad person and I was also screaming at the top of my voice many people came and inquired on what had happened. I was later taken to the hospital; the doctors gave me pain killers because I was undergoing a lot of pain. I later joined a group called SASA and they have been of great help to my life.
-”Thanks to SASA because now am strong.”
Through realizing that am not alone and also growing mentally to a point that am now able to socialize with the rest of the community.
-”I wish to meet with other SASA members as I believe we are a family because we share the same experiences. And also if possible we should get videos of strong women who have overcome the pain.”